
Internship Draft Day


3:00 - 5:45 PM


Leap into an Internship in Manufacturing

  • Here is your chance to meet with 50+  companies with 200+ paid internships and co-ops.
  • No waiting in line like most job fairs. Instead, you will have the opportunity to schedule 15-minute interviews with the companies of your choice.
  • You can also choose to network only with Northeast Wisconsin companies. This means when you don't have interviews scheduled, you can walk booth-to-booth to learn more about the companies and the jobs they offer. 

More opportunities than ever to earn a scholarship!

  • You have the potential to win a college scholarship. When 5 or more students from your school interview at the event, the school's #1 draft pick receives a $500 scholarship. The #2 overall draft pick will receive a college scholarship worth $1,000. The #1 overall draft pick will receive a scholarship worth $2,500!
  • How to earn scholarships:
    1. Earn points at each scheduled interview.
    2. Receive bonus points when you register by October 21st!
    3. Additional points are earned based on your GPA, relevant work experience, and college clubs you participate in. Add these to your resume.
    4. Follow us on LinkedIn for more bonus points!


Get FREE advice from professionals.

  • Take advantage of a free pre-event virtual meeting with professionals to hone your resume, interview skills and elevator pitch, get a detailed event overview, and ask questions! The registration for this meeting will be posted on our LinkedIn profile when scheduled. 
  • Register today so you have the greatest opportunity to interview with the companies of your choice.
  • Check back often as companies add more internships throughout the month.
  • The registration deadline is October 31, 2024.
  • Meet us at Lambeau Field by parking in Lot 4 and entering the American Family Insurance entrance doors. Take the escalators up to level one, the Atrium main floor. 
  • Be sure to come prepared with your updated resume. 
Student  Registration  Opens September 30, 2024   

About Internship Draft Day

Since its 2015 inception, Internship Draft Day has been organized by the Northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance (NEW ERA) and the NEW Manufacturing Alliance (NEWMA). Together, these entities recognized a unique way to work collaboratively on a unified cause: to expand manufacturing career pathways, in addition to building a talent pipeline through internships.

Hundreds of college students from Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan participate in the annual Internship Draft Day at Lambeau Field in Green Bay every year. Students showcase talent, curiosity, hustle, and career interest, vying for scholarships, paid internships, and network connections.



3:00 PM
3:05 - 3:20 PM
3:25 - 3:40 PM
3:45 - 4:00PM
4:05 - 4:20 PM
Open networking
4:25 - 4:40 PM
4:45 - 5:00 PM
5:05 - 5:20 PM
Open Networking
5:30 PM
Awards presentation

Who are we Recruiting?

The intent behind Internship Draft Day is to connect the manufacturing industry and its businesses with the young professionals entering the field. We are seeking individuals with degrees in engineering, business, marketing, electro-mechanical, IT, supply chain, finance and automation. Universities, tech schools, and community college faculty and staff are also encouraged to be part of the event as a way to further promote the opportunities available to students.


Tackle real-world experience in one memorable event!

Meet with high-caliber companies and employers looking for their next great hire. Each company chooses its MVI — Most Valuable Interview.

Scholarships are awarded based on overall MVI and pre-registered student points.


Students can choose to network only, forgoing scheduled interviews and the scoring competition.

Student  Registration  opens September 30, 2024.   


Seeking the Brightest Talent
for Your Team?

Join the NEW Manufacturing Alliance and Northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance event to recruit and hire student interns to join your company.* You will interview and network with hundreds of students from colleges and universities in Wisconsin and Michigan.

Companies complete available job opportunities and interview times. Students browse available internships, selecting interviews and open networking times. They’ll be prepared;  these students are eager to learn more about organizations in their intended field and how they can add value with their skills and knowledge.

Employers can access the roster of student interview candidates before Draft Day and view all student profiles for follow-up interviews post-event.

* This event is exclusive to New Manufacturing Alliance members. For more information on becoming a member, visit our website

Employer registRATION OPENs August 2024  

Colleges & Faculty

Coaches & Colleges

Colleges, tech schools, and universities are encouraged to promote and participate in Internship Draft Day, a unique professional experience for students ready to gain priceless career experience as they prepare for their futures. Together with the Northeast Wisconsin Educational Resource Alliance, the NEW Manufacturing Alliance invites you to support us.

Students compete for available scholarships and paid internships alike in an unforgettable afternoon at Lambeau Field. Over 60 companies are represented and offer interviews and networking in order to crown a single MVI — Most Valuable Interview at the end of the event. Students are encouraged to pre-register to gain points even before the Draft Day event begins.

Over 60 companies are represented and offer interviews and networking to crown a single MVI — Most Valuable Interview at the end of the event.

Coaches & advisor RegistRATION

Open September 30, 2024  

Our 2024 Sponsors